This fall you are invited to Ghosts on the Bloomingdale Trail, a self-guided listening experience featuring real Chicago ghost stories. This FREE event can be found on the Bloomingdale Trail any time of day (or night) from October 19th-November 15th. Look for the 15 “ghost trains” on the trail between Humboldt Blvd and Drake Ave.
As you encounter each ghost train, scan the QR code to hear a unique ghost story experienced by a Chicago resident. Some are told by the people who experienced the haunting, and others are performances based on interview transcripts. All stories are true in the sense that real people – your neighbors – believe this happened to them. We think these stories are pretty family-friendly, but sometimes the very thought of a ghost is scary. Please use your discretion.
Do you have a story you’d like to share for a future version of this project? We’d love to be in touch! Please tell us more HERE.
Ghosts on the Bloomingdale Trail is a collaboration between Friends of the Bloomingdale Trail, Free Street Theater, Chicago Mobile Makers, and Radio Luzifer. Project funding and support are provided by the Chicago Park District.
Producer: Ben Helphand
Creative Director: Coya Paz
Project Coordinator: Kidjie Boyer
Audio Design: Lucy Saldana
Train Stop Design: Maya Bird Murphy, Bobbie Carr, Karli Honroth (Chicago Mobile Makers)
Flyer Design: Lucy Saldana
Website Design: Janie Killips
Additional Project Support: Katrina Dion, Donna Gary, and Karla Estela Rivera
Performers and Storytellers: Ysaye McKeever, Aimy Tien, Lauren Pretnar, Christine Bowen, Shay Turnage, Sebastian Olayo, Kidjie Boyer, Juliet de Jesus Alejandre, Katrina Dion, Vic Wynter, Jaszy, Deanalís Resto, Nina D’Angier, Eiren Caffal, Connie Shirakawa, Taria Michelle Abram, Ivy Castillo, Jacob Snodgrass, Karla Estela Rivera